Gudger & Ferguson

Gudger & Ferguson
Gudger & Ferguson toasting at the first bar

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Brewing Process: 2) Extract Brewing

1) Basic Equation -- The foundational definition of making beer.
2) Extract Brewing -- The process used by beginning home brewers.
3) All-Grain Brewing -- The full process which is used in breweries, but at home.
4) Production Brewing -- Some key differences between the experiences of home brewing and working in a microbrewery.

 2) Extract Brewing

I recommend getting a Brewer's Best kit and following their instructions, but this is an overview of the process:

1-  Steep Specialty grains in water between 150F and 157F.  These grains add character and flavor, but do not provide sugars.  Make sure grains are in a bag which can be used to remove the grains before the boil.

2-  Remove Specialty Grains and bring pot to a boil.

3-  Add Malt Extract and stir to avoid initial scorching. 

4-  Add hops at the times noted by the recipe.  Timer starts after extract is added and boil resumes.

          Ex.)          1:00 PM    (60 min)      add 1 oz. of Kent Goldings
                           1:30 PM    (30 min)      add 1 oz. of Fuggles
                           1:55 PM    (5 min)        add .5 oz. of Fuggles
                           2:00 PM    (0 min)        Terminate Boil

5-  Remove the pot from heat and add cold water to bring the final volume to 5.5 gallons (assuming a 5 gallon batch).

6- If the temperature is close to 70F, it is safe to transfer it into the fermenting vessel (bucket, etc.) and add yeast.

7-  Allow your creation to ferment and, after one or two weeks, bottle or keg for consumption.  Don't forget to add a measured amount of sugar which will create carbonation.

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